Robert F. "Bobby" Kennedy

( November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968 )


13512110_1030545060315850_8550290271732407713_nRobert Kennedy St Johns Parade May 25, 1968, less then two weeks later assassinated: June 6, 1968, Los Angeles, CA from St Johns Review May 30, 1968. He was in town with Senator Eugene McCarthy, John Glenn, and Terry Baker.




Photographs by Sharon Helgerson

My mother and I followed him on to Montgomery Ward where there was a large crowd waiting for him. He was scheduled to appear at Albina Art Center on the corner of Williams and Killingsworth but only a few scattered people were around until the convertible came around the corner with he and Rafer Johnson. Bobby went into the tavern across the street to use the bathroom and stopped to have a beer.


We waited in the Art center and Ethyl Kennedy and the wife of mountaineer Jim Whittaker approached me and asked if I would trade pins as my navy blue pin would better match Mrs. Whittakers lime green suit. J.F.K. arrived and he and Ethyl autographed his book we had brought with us. I was able to get a few blurry photos with my dad's SLR camera.


Photographs by Robin Smith

Photos from the May 25, 1968 St Johns Parade with Robert Kennedy, John Glenn, Eugene McCarthy and Terry Baker.



Suggested Reading......


Robert F. Kennedy


Terry D. Schrunk